Wednesday, June 19, 2024

One of the methods we frequently recommend to our clients who are looking to improve their brain health is red light therapy. Discovered in the late 60's, this resource provides many benefits with little to no side effects. While some individuals with photosensitivity or taking certain medications should not use red light therapy, this particular approach can yield quite favorable results for the majority of users.

You may be imagining a device similar to a tanning bed and, while some instruments containing red lights may look similar, red light therapy does not use ultraviolet rays. Despite a similar appearance between a tanning bed and a red light therapy bed, each device has completely different uses and outcomes. In fact, using red light therapy has resulted in improved skin health and does not produce heat comparable to that found in traditional tanning beds with UV rays. In this blog post, we are going to outline the uses and benefits of red light therapy.

Red light therapy is a treatment that can improve skin conditions and issues including sun damage, psoriasis, eczema, and more. Other results have included the reduction of scars, stretch marks, and wrinkles. You might be thinking this sounds too good to be true, or wondering how a red light could possibly have so many favorable outcomes. In a recently published Forbes Health article, which can be found here Dr. Casey Kelley, M.D., founder and medical director of Case Integrative Health was quoted as saying, "Red light therapy works by activating your mitochondria, or the powerhouse of the cell...with this boost to the energy center of the cell, the cells can do their jobs-such as healing and growth-more efficiently. Think of it as your morning coffee-red light therapy helps your cells wake up and get the job done!"

Now, what does all of this have to do with our brains, and why would we at A Mind for All Seasons recommend red light therapy for our clients looking to improve their cognitive health? At a Mind for All Seasons we have seen firsthand how red light therapy increases blood flow to the brain which, as a result, can produce clearer, sharper thinking as well as improving mood and sleep patterns. And we all know the vital role a good nights' sleep plays in the way we feel as well as our ability to focus and function! In fact, red light therapy has even been known to enhance mental wellbeing, both in everyday life as well as stressful or overwhelming periods, and boosts both serotonin and dopamine levels.

We could go on and on about the benefits of using red light therapy and how this method can improve your quality of life. In fact, it's one of our favorite subjects to talk about! But, as they say, "Seeing is believing," and we invite you to come and see for yourself by visiting our state-of-the-art Brain Health Therapy Studio located in beautiful Boise, Idaho where we have "meticulously curated a suite of unique therapeutic devices designed to optimize brain performance and foster healing". Learn more about the various devices, their benefits, and how we can help you have 'A Mind for All Seasons' of life by clicking here.

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DISCLAIMER: The programs, coaching, information and education from A Mind For All Seasons, LLC offer a comprehensive approach for cognitive enhancement and may offer hope of slowing or halting cognitive decline or improving mental health, BUT THERE IS NO GUARANTEE OF IMPROVEMENT OR SUCCESS, and A Mind For All Seasons, LLC makes no such warrantee. THE STATEMENTS ON THIS SITE HAVE NOT BEEN VERIFIED OR APPROVED BY THE FDA FOR TREATING ANY SPECIFIC ILLNESS OR FOR THE PURPOSE OF SLOWING THE COGNITIVE DECLINE OF DEMENTIA. Rather, they represent our application of the recommendations from physicians and experts who work with and conduct research for patients in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, brain injuries, mental health challenges, or other forms of cognitive dysfunction.

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